0896 709040

Fishing on a yacht(Golden Sands)

Propuneara perfecta de team building- cu iahtul la pescuit. Pentru aceia dintre dumneavoastra pentru care pescuitul este mai mult decat o placere si care doresc sa incerce un lucru inedit, avem solutia perfecta: o zi de pescuit marin la bordul unui iaht de lux.

Durata: 3 ore
In fiecare zi: 10.00 - 13.00 ; 14.00 - 17.00

ora 10.00 - Plecare port " Nisipurile de aur"
ora 10.00-10.30 - Pescarii vor fi transportati cu iahtul pana la un loc potrivit de piscuit. In timpul calatoriei se ofer cantitati nelimitate de apa plata si bauturi nealcoolice.
ora 13.00 - Sfarsitul evenimentului

Toate iahturile si vase aflate pe port sunt potrivite de pescuit. Acestea sunt echipate cu un set complet de unelte si momeala. Pestele se prepara la gratar numai la vasele Sf. Toma ,Sf. Nicolai si Leonardo, pe toate celelalte vase pestele este prajita. Scaldatul in timpul pescuitului este permis numai cu veste de salvare. Este recomandat turistiilor sa aiba crema de protectie solara, ochelari de soare si prosoape de plaj.

Pentru mai multe informatii ne puteti contacta la numar de telefon +359 896 70 90 40
For all the fishing fans, the Partyservice.bg offers a complex service- organization of a fishing trip and provided fishing equipment.
Ideal opportunity for a team building if your employees are men and it would be a great challange for the ladiel!


10.00. - Departure by boat from Marina "Golden Sands"
10.00-10.30 - Transition to a suitable place for fishing and anchoring. During the transition offer unlimited soft drinks and mineral water.
10.30-12.00 -fishing provided with fishing gear and bait. For starters, we offer training of the crew.
12.30-13.00. - Lunch on board - mackerel fish, cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers, bread. Beer - 2 pcs. per person, soft drinks and mineral water indefinitely.
13.00h. - End of the event.

All ships and yachts in the port are suitable for fishing activities. They are equipped with the necessary fishing gear and bait have awnings for sun protection.

Fish lunch prepared barbecue ships "St.. Toma", "Sv. Nicholas" and "Leonardo". All other boats fish fry and have the opportunity to prepare freshly caught fish from the tourists.
Bathing while fishing is permitted only with lifejackets.
It is recommended that tourists bring with them: sunscreen, sunglasses and towels.

For more information, contact us at +359 896 70 90 40
